My Best Friend Linux
I will summarize some of the features I love linux for.
1. tail -f error.log
I use tail command a lot. Only Textpad in windows world has something equivalent of it and that too is a little jerky and with large log files Textpad becomes slow. Tell me if there is a better alternative to Textpad and Notepad++ ( should I have to always manually reload in Notepad++?).
2. crontab
Hats off to the geniuses behind crontab concept. Scheduling programs to run every minute to run on a particular day once a year - is so simple. Just by editing a text file you can schedule your programs to your needs.
3. CLI
I can do "anything" from the command line. It is much faster, can pipe actions, can script them and much more.
4. VI Editor
Navigation, search, replace - cannot be any simpler and faster. Emacs fans - I know you guys can get it done too - we are brothers here.
5. Permissions
Read, Write, Execute permissions - the first thing I learnt in Unix land and lets me sleep peacefully at night!
6. No License hassles
This is the biggest reason why I love linux. I can download it, burn it, install it in my machines and not worry about the license or legal issues. For a startup with a shoe string budget - this is a boon.
Of course there are numerous other benefits - lack of viruses, malware, great performance even in lowly hardware, ease of installing applications and countless others.
To all the people who have contributed to Linux - my sincere thanks.
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