Running Notes : Week 5/16

Monday, 29th June Rest Day. I took my bike and reconnoitred the Aarey colony area where runners go to train. I measured 5kms one way and was quite pleased. I make 4 trips and I can touch 20kms. The landmark there is New Zealand hostel - and there were quite a few ups and downs. It is going to be hard. Tuesday,30th June 8KM goal. I continued with the Tibetan book. They have got asylum, and the book has become boring. It is an observation of life in Tibet. When I had just crossed 5, it started raining and I got back home. My mood also was off beat - lot of things going on and couldn't focus on running. Wednesday,1st July 8kms. It was sunny and a nice beautiful day. Had a good run and I did not take any walk break. Towards the middle of the run felt like stopping for a walk break, but kept going. The less I stop the timing is better. I have made a run playlist now of my favourite songs and it helped. Thursday, Friday Rest days - I am following my ...