My Fitness Streak
Quantum leaps are not done by trying incrementally - but by taking quantum leaps. - Myself :) I kept running 5 Kms and suddenly one day I just decided to run 10 Kms and I could do it - of course it did hurt - but it changed me forever. My 4 year old was on training wheels for more than 2 years and one fine day the wife removes the training wheels and after a few days he was able to ride by himself. When you are going to dive into a cold swimming pool there is no use touching the water - just dive in. And last week I read a story about this guy who is on a 25 year fitness streak. That did it - the very next day I started my own fitness streak. Today is Day #6 - going good and I am telling myself - I will not break it - ever. Day #1 - Ran 4.2 Kms Day #2 - Ran 4.4 Kms Day #3 - Cycled 4.2 Kms Day #4 - Ran 5.0 Kms Day #5 - Meditated Day #6 - Ran 5.2 Kms It will take some 21 days to become a habit. I hope after 21 days my fitness streak will be like brushing, shaving and