Running Notes : Week 10/16

Monday I went shopping in Godrej Nature Basket. Picked up Sofit - Soymilk the plain version ( not adulterated with sugar - which is hard to get ), Tofu and Gooseberry. Went for runs according to plan on Wednesday,Thursday and Saturday and did the knee exercises. Sunday morning I was delayed - partly because of the rain and partly because I was lazy. I started the run at 8am. Set 29kms as target. My legs felt tired right from the go. I checked out the park but it was fully soggy and unrunnable. Came back to the concrete parking lot + the inside asphalt road. It is going to be a boring 29 loop run. Was debating whether next time I will go to Aarey colony road - but the slopes will kill my confidence. Crossed 10.5k and took a recharge break. I now switched on the audio book - Wizard of Earthsea. The headphone's right side had stopped working. This keeps getting better. Ged gets good advise from his master. He starts chasing the shadow. The hunted becomes the hunter. They m...