Why Tata Nano is good for India, Environment and everyone

Tata Nano is back in the news - for all the good reasons - booking is open online and launch date has also been announced. Here are my top 3 reasons why Nano is actually good for all of us. 1. Nano will make better citizens out of us : Nano is going to congest the roads - which is a good thing. Now the lazy ones who always had better alternatives to commute will just give up driving and take to cycling, walking, take the public transport or try car pooling. One cannot drive on 1st gear for 20 kms daily - the clutch foot will hurt and petrol bill will bite like a vampire in the neck. Ouch. So these lazy bozos will now suddenly "discover" new ways of commuting - which are cheaper, cleaner,stress free and faster too. Time to recommend two of my friends who are doing their part to change the world - Rohan Kini's pedal power - bumsonthesaddle.com Vipul Kasera's Car pooling portal - commuteeasy.com 2. Govt will make better Public Transport: This will be the second effect. ...