ApartmentADDA turns 3 Years!

We launched ApartmentADDA on Nov 12th, 2008 and today this site turns 3 ! I think it is apt to look at the analytics like how we would look at a kid - how tall he or she has grown! The above snapshot is from Google Analytics of Visitors from the beginning of time till today. The mini spike after Nov 2008 was on January 2009 - when I informed about this venture in my batch's email list. Facebook had not taken off then yet. The next big spike after Nov 2009 was on January 2010 - when Bangalore Mirror put us on Front page! Today we get more than 3 times that much traffic in a day. Google Analytics now gives realtime reporting - it is surreal to watch the clicks and the dots show up on the world's map. So what is next for this kid? "Changing Orbits" of course - quoting our good friend and mentor Mr.Sharad Sharma.