My first Half Marathon!

" Did It " That was the SMS I sent to Sangeeta at 4:00 AM after finishing my half marathon in the Midnight Marathon held in Whitefield, Bangalore on Dec 11, 2011. Now to the story. The Irrational act ! A month back on Nov 11, some one tweeted saying "Registered at Midnight Marathon ". I just clicked on the link and paid 600Rs for the half-marathon. Human progress happens on such irrational acts. Why was it irrational? : My personal best was 12.5 Kms. The half marathon is 21kms. I thought I can practice harder and increase my mileage. After signing up for the marathon, I announced on Facebook and even got 13 likes and 5 comments and tips. I duly forgot about the marathon and went on with my work + occasional runs ( I average 6 runs a month - yes its very bad - good runners run almost 4 times a week ) The Panic Attack Suddenly around Nov 26th I panicked. I SoSed some of my friends and runners I follow on Twitter and got useful tips. @nilakanta, @_bha...